Over 2000 visitors on our internet-version of "NARKONTAKT" in only 3 weeks!!! Not bad for a newcomer. And the fact that the magazine is available in both swedish and english has really put us in the middle of the action around the world. This magazine is also available in print in a small edition that you can purchase by mailing me and I'll give you the details. The price is 5$ + p&p.

In the last issue the main article was our inteview/article with Roswell-expert Stanton T. Friedman (who has been kind enough to also help us with this issue) where I put my neck out the window (so to speak...) when I proclaimed that the Roswell-case wasn't that much of a "hard case" as the legend says. In this issue we are much more up to date as we have the pleasure to present a steaming hot article about Richard C. Hoagland. He's one of the scientists who claims there are artificial structures on Mars (as the "face") - and now he claims there's things on the moon too.

Besides that I have made an indepth search around the material of man-made UFO's from WW2 and up to date. As I haven't found the answers to some of the more crucial questions, you'll have to wait until next issue to read it.

In a series of articles I'm gonna present my own view of the so called "abduction phenomena". Right now I'm conducting several interviews with psychologist and abductees, as well as chanellers, to find as much ground as possible of what's behind it. Truth or a play with myths of the mind? This is a BIG material to run through for me, so you'll have to wait until the next issue with this too.

Our head of board, Anders Persson, has dug himself way down in the topic of "prehistoric technology" that he presents in this issue. Are we just one civilisation of many that has had skilled technology and then vanished?

1000 of the world leadership has, or is about to, recive a 168-page document called "UFO's - The Best Available Evidence" financed by Laurence Rockefeller, who also is a big contributor to Bill Clintons election-campaign. With this runthrough of UFO-history Rockefeller hopes that the issue will find it's way to the corridors of power around the world, and that the secrecy will stand back for the truth. Our article is by ISCNI's head of board, Michael Lindemann.

As usual there's turbulence around the Roswell-case. Not only one, but two, has now claimed they have items from the famous crash in July 1947. One delivered his item to the Roswell UFO & Research Center and the other left it to radio-DJ Art Bell. Can we trust the analysis? Who was the people who had these items in their possesion? Can we trust the staff at the museum and their conclusions? Much to think about in this issue. Enjoy!

Take care and keep up the good work, Jörgen Westman.

Editorial adress:
c/o Jorgen Westman
Godhemsgatan 26B
414 68 Gothenburg
Ph/fax: +46-(0)31-12 92 62 (home)
Ph/fax: +46-(0)31- 711 32 25 (work)
Mobile: 0708 - 78 94 09

UFO-VAST chairman:
Anders Persson
Ph: +46-(0)31-53 79 85


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magazine nr2